How to stick to your new years resolutions

Six Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

Studies show that most people quit their New Year’s Resolution before January is even over. Don’t let that be you this year! Here are a few tips to help give you the kick in the booty you need to stick with it.

Tip #1 Give Yourself Some Grace

I am stepping up on my soap box to scream this one. If you let life get in the way, you let excuses get in the way and you stumbled. DO NOT GIVE UP! If you fell off the diet train and your first thought was, well I already blew it so I might as well get some Taco Bell for dinner. STOP IT! Giving into those thoughts is only going to make starting again that much harder. If you fell off the exercise train and thought, oh well I might as well start again next week. STOP IT! It will be even harder to start again next week. Do you see where I am going with this? Just because you had a misstep does not mean you get to make excuses and give up. Keep going! It will get easier and easier to bounce back, I promise.

Tip #2 Make Your Resolution Something Attainable

Okay I know this sounds like it’s in the wrong order but hang with me here. If you set a resolution and it’s already stressing you out and making you feel guilty for not being further along… maybe you need a new one. Instead of making your resolution to lose 50 pounds this year. Which is a huge goal and probably overwhelming. Change it to I want to lose 5 pounds this month. Breaking down your resolution into monthly or even weekly goals will help you stay motivated. Especially when the scale isn’t moving as fast as you want it to. Small steps in the right direction will help you get to your goal I promise!

Tip #3 Be Prepared

This could mean a few different things. Being prepared with meals, if that is your weak spot. Make sure you meal prep and have things ready so you don’t eat out. If you do need to eat out, do your research ahead of time and look at the menu for healthy options before you go out. It could also mean setting out your workout gear the night before, or packing your gym bag the night before so you are prepared the next day. It’s too easy to make excuses when you’re tired and you have extra work to do because you weren’t prepared. If you need help, I have a free meal prep guide with recipes to get you started.

Tip #4 Plan Your Week

I know this seems like it should be included in #3 but I felt it needed addressed on it’s own. If your resolution is something you REALLY want. You need to plan your week around it. It needs to become part of your lifestyle. Each Sunday I sit down and look over my week and write down everything that is important to get done. I then schedule them into each day. When it is on the calendar I am more likely to do it. So stick to it! If you wrote down you will exercise at 6:30am on Monday and Wednesday get your booty out of bed and do it. The more you do this the easier it will be and it will become a routine. When it’s a routine you will be unstoppable!

Tip #5 Do it Anyway

Yes, I hear you. You’re tired. You have a headache. The kids were a handful today. I GET IT! We all have excuses and we all let them get in our way. I am not saying you have to commit to exercise 2 hours everyday. But 20-30 minutes can fit into any schedule. When you’re exhausted at night after a long day, do the work anyway. Netflix can wait. I know I just said something unheard of. But it’s true. You will feel better and you will feel like you’ve accomplished something after a not so great day. So DO IT ANYWAY.

Tip #6 Have Fun

If you hate the gym, don’t join one. Find something you like to do! I personally love hip hop classes. I take one class a week and mix in exercising at home the rest of the week. I also love taking my son for walks when the weather is nice. You do not have to run on a treadmill to reach your goals. And when you find something you enjoy doing, you will be less likely to make excuses.

I hope these tips help you reach your goals this year! As always, I am here to chat if you ever need advice or just want to say hi.